Results for 'Guillermo PÁramo Roca'

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  1. Lógica de los mitos: lógica paraconsistente: una alternativa en la discusión sobre la lógica del mito.Guillermo Páramo Rocha - 1989 - Ideas Y Valores 38 (79):27-67.
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    Hijos de la roca.Guillermo Francovich & Waldo Ross - 1954 - México,: Ediciones Orión. Edited by Waldo Ross.
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    Gracia Ortiz, Diego A. Guillermo.Víctor Páramo Valero - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148).
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  4. La salvación de los libros= The salvation of the books.Clara Janés Nadal, Eugenio G. de Nora, Jenaro Talens Carmona, Guillermo Carnero Arbat & Francisco Brines - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:91-93.
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    Human Observers and Automated Assessment of Dynamic Emotional Facial Expressions: KDEF-dyn Database Validation.Manuel G. Calvo, Andrés Fernández-Martín, Guillermo Recio & Daniel Lundqvist - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397727.
    Most experimental studies of facial expression processing have used static stimuli (photographs), yet facial expressions in daily life are generally dynamic. In its original photographic format, the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) has been frequently utilized. In the current study, we validate a dynamic version of this database, the KDEF-dyn. To this end, we applied animation between neutral and emotional expressions (happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and surprised; 1,033-ms unfolding) to 40 KDEF models, with morphing software. Ninety-six human observers categorized (...)
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  6. Helsinki: Consideraciones finales.Edgar Roy Ramírez Briceño & Guillermo Coronado - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44 (111):185-188.
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    Crítica de la imagen moral del pensamiento a partir del principio de inmanencia y la teoría de los afectos de Spinoza.Cristian Andrés Tejeda Gómez & Rodrigo Guillermo Martínez Reinoso - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):37-50.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo esclarecer la relación entre juicio y deseo en el pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze y destacar la importancia de Spinoza para la resolución de este problema. La concepción negativa del deseo es la base de la cultura y el pensamiento de Occidente; sin embargo, Spinoza nos propone una concepción afirmativa e inmanente. Estos elementos son fundamentales para esclarecer el sentido teórico y práctico de la propuesta de Gilles Deleuze en su obra, donde una concepción afirmativa del (...)
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    On the Rejection of Random Perturbations and the Tracking of Random References in a Quadrotor.Jesus Alberto Meda-Campaña, Jonathan Omega Escobedo-Alva, José de Jesús Rubio, Carlos Aguilar-Ibañez, Jose Humberto Perez-Cruz, Guillermo Obregon-Pulido, Ricardo Tapia-Herrera, Eduardo Orozco, Daniel Andres Cordova & Marco Antonio Islas - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    In this note, the problem of tracking random references and rejecting random perturbations in a quadrotor, both generated by an auxiliary system named exosystem, is solved by extending the deterministic tracking problem to the area of stochastic processes. Besides, it is considered that only a part of the state vector of the quadrotor is available through measurements. As a consequence, the state vector of the plant must be estimated in order to close the control loop. On this basis, a controller (...)
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  9. La importancia de ser moderno. Problemas de método e ideología en el debate sobre la cognición y la conducta de los Neandertales.Sergio Balari, Antonio Benítez Burraco, Marta Camps, Víctor M. Longa & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (34):143-170.
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    The presence of irrelevant alternatives paradoxically increases confidence in perceptual decisions.Nicolás A. Comay, Gabriel Della Bella, Pedro Lamberti, Mariano Sigman, Guillermo Solovey & Pablo Barttfeld - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105377.
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    One-Class-Based Intelligent Classifier for Detecting Anomalous Situations During the Anesthetic Process.Alberto Leira, Esteban Jove, Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Santiago Torres Álvarez, Svetlana Simić, Juan-Albino Méndez-Pérez & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (2):326-341.
    Closed-loop administration of propofol for the control of hypnosis in anesthesia has evidenced an outperformance when comparing it with manual administration in terms of drug consumption and post-operative recovery of patients. Unlike other systems, the success of this strategy lies on the availability of a feedback variable capable of quantifying the current hypnotic state of the patient. However, the appearance of anomalies during the anesthetic process may result in inaccurate actions of the automatic controller. These anomalies may come from the (...)
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  12. La ayuda psicoterapéutica a cuidadores de mayores dependientes.María José Martín Rodrigo, Guillermo Gil Escudero, Mónica Rodríguez Zafra & Antonio Núñez Partido - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):93-94.
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    Effectiveness of a medical education intervention to treat hypertension in primary care.Silvia Martínez-Valverde, Angélica Castro-Ríos, Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas, Miguel Klunder-Klunder, Guillermo Salinas-Escudero & Hortensia Reyes-Morales - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):420-425.
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    Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania - Apresentação.Daniel Valério Martins, Marcos Fernandes-Sobrinho & Alfredo Guillermo Rajo Serventich - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):1-5.
    Apresentação do Dossiê - "Relações Étnicas, Educação e Cidadania".
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    Child abuse and primary health care attention.Carmen Laura Pérez Cabrera, Guillermo Peña Cruz & Lourdes de la C. Cabrera Reyes - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):415-435.
    El presente texto se inscribe dentro de la temática dirigida a la investigación sobre la violencia intrafamiliar. Tiene como objetivo sistematizar aspectos históricos y teóricos inherentes al estudio del maltrato infantil y sus consecuencias en el ámbito social y familiar para su detección y tratamiento en el nivel de atención primaria de los servicios de salud en Cuba. Mediante una revisión bibliográfica se logró concretar un análisis documental de materiales y textos en soporte digital e impreso que condujo a los (...)
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    Estudio diagnóstico sobre la enseñanza de la Física I en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.Ramiro Ramírez Ramírez, Jorge Fiallo Rodríguez & Guillermo Bernaza Rodríguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Una universidad para la Democracia.Julieta Agustina Rábanos, Ezequiel H. Monti & Guillermo M. Ferraioli Karamanian - 2014 - Revista Digital Carrera y Formación Docente 2 (4):7-31.
    Esta es la versión escrita de una entrevista realizada a Eugenio Bulygin, profesor emérito de Filosofía del Derecho (UBA), con respecto a quien toda presentación podría resultar o bien imcompleta o bien superflua. -/- Nuestra intención al realizar esta entrevista fue indagar acerca de las respuestas que dieron a esos interrogantes las personas que, en ese momento, ocuparon posiciones de toma de decisión en la Facultad de Derecho de la UBA. La elección del entrevistado, Eugenio Bulygin, no podría haber sido (...)
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  18. Conceivability and De Re Modal Knowledge.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2011 - Noûs 45 (1):22-49.
    The paper presents a dilemma for both epistemic and non-epistemic versions of conceivability-based accounts of modal knowledge. On the one horn, non-epistemic accounts do not elucidate the essentialist knowledge they would be committed to. On the other, epistemic accounts do not elucidate everyday life de re modal knowledge. In neither case, therefore, do conceivability accounts elucidate de re modal knowledge.
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    Homenaje a Guillermo Hoyos.Guillermo Hoyos - 2008 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 57 (136):145-147.
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  20. Genuine Modal Realism, the Humean thesis and advanced modalizing.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2020 - Synthese 197 (11):4669-4690.
    The paper argues that Lewis’ Genuine Modal Realism, in taking the plurality of worlds to be necessarily the way it is, implies the existence of necessary connections of the sort that contradicts the Humean thesis that Lewis endorses. By endorsing, pace Divers, a non-redundancy interpretation of advanced modalizing, we gain the means to exactly state what these connections amount to.
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  21. Rohrbaugh and deRosset on the Necessity of Origin.Sonia Roca-Royes & Ross Cameron - 2006 - Mind 115 (458):361-366.
    In ‘A New Route to the Necessity of Origin’, Rohbraugh and deRosset offer an argument for the Necessity of Origin appealing neither to Suffciency of Origin nor to a branching-times model of necessity. What is doing the crucial work in their argument is instead the thesis they name ‘Locality of Prevention’. In this response, we object that their argument is question-begging by showing, first, that the locality of prevention thesis is not strong enough to satisfactorily derive from it the intended (...)
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  22. Homenaje a Guillermo Hoyos. La responsabilidad Del pensar.Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):145-147.
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    "La Refutacion del Psicologismo por Husserl."O Metodo Fenomenologico na Psicologia.Bases Fundamentales de la Ontologia Fenomenologica. [REVIEW]Arthur Child, Alberto Wagner de Reyna, Nilton Campos & Guillermo Devers Johnson - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (1):160.
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  24. Modal Knowledge and Counterfactual Knowledge.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2011 - Logique Et Analyse 54 (216):537-552.
    The paper compares the suitability of two different epistemologies of counterfactuals—(EC) and (W)—to elucidate modal knowledge. I argue that, while both of them explain the data on our knowledge of counterfactuals, only (W)—Williamson’s epistemology—is compatible with all counterpossibles being true. This is something on which Williamson’s counterfactual-based account of modal knowledge relies. A first problem is, therefore, that, in the absence of further, disambiguating data, Williamson’s choice of (W) is objectionably biased. A second, deeper problem is that (W) cannot satisfactorily (...)
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  25. Peacocke’s Principle-Based Account of Modality: “Flexibility of Origins” Plus S4.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (3):405-426.
    Due to the influence of Nathan Salmon’s views, endorsement of the “flexibility of origins” thesis is often thought to carry a commitment to the denial of S4. This paper rejects the existence of this commitment and examines how Peacocke’s theory of the modal may accommodate flexibility of origins without denying S4. One of the essential features of Peacocke’s account is the identification of the Principles of Possibility, which include the Modal Extension Principle (MEP), and a set of Constitutive Principles. Regarding (...)
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    Mathematical aspects of the periodic law.Guillermo Restrepo & Leonardo Pachón - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (2):189-214.
    We review different studies of the Periodic Law and the set of chemical elements from a mathematical point of view. This discussion covers the first attempts made in the 19th century up to the present day. Mathematics employed to study the periodic system includes number theory, information theory, order theory, set theory and topology. Each theory used shows that it is possible to provide the Periodic Law with a mathematical structure. We also show that it is possible to study the (...)
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    An intelligent fault detection system for a heat pump installation based on a geothermal heat exchanger.José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Emilio Corchado, María del Carmen Meizoso-López & Andrés Piñón-Pazos - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 17:36-47.
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  28. Modal Epistemology, Modal Concepts and the Integration Challenge.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (3):335-361.
    The paper argues against Peacocke's moderate rationalism in modality. In the first part, I show, by identifying an argumentative gap in its epistemology, that Peacocke's account has not met the Integration Challenge. I then argue that we should modify the account's metaphysics of modal concepts in order to avoid implausible consequences with regards to their possession conditions. This modification generates no extra explanatory gap. Yet, once the minimal modification that avoids those implausible consequences is made, the resulting account cannot support (...)
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    Conscious and unconscious processes in cognitive control: a theoretical perspective and a novel empirical approach.Guillermo Horga & Tiago V. Maia - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Inductive Knowability of the Modal.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2023 - Disputatio 15 (69):151-178.
    This paper scrutinises the limits of a posteriori induction in acquiring modal knowledge. I focus on my similarity-based account (Roca-Royes [2017]); an inductive, non-rationalist epistemology of modality about concrete entities. Despite the explanatory merits of the account in relation to a vast range of modal claims, this inductive epistemology has been found incapable of yielding knowledge of a certain, other range of modal claims. Here, two notions of knowability are distinguished which reveal some of these limitations to be not (...)
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  31. Two models of latin american philosophy.Guillermo Hurtado - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (3):204-213.
    : In this paper I will examine two conceptions of philosophy that were defended in Latin America during the last century. I believe that both models have to be put away and that we must build a new one, recovering elements of both of them. At the end of my paper I will consider very briefly what can we learn from this in order to construct a genuine philosophical dialogue between the United States and Latin America.
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    A mathematical treatment of defeasible reasoning and its implementation.Guillermo R. Simari & Ronald P. Loui - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 53 (2-3):125-157.
    We present a mathematical approach to defeasible reasoning based on arguments. This approach integrates the notion of specificity introduced by Poole and the theory of warrant presented by Pollock. The main contribution of this paper is a precise, well-defined system which exhibits correct behavior when applied to the benchmark examples in the literature. It aims for usability rather than novelty. We prove that an order relation can be introduced among equivalence classes of arguments under the equi-specificity relation. We also prove (...)
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    Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools.Esther Roca - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):607-620.
    This article echoes those voices that demand new approaches and ‹senses’ for management education and business programs. Much of the article is focused on showing that the polemic about the educative model of business schools has moral and epistemological foundations and opens up the debate over the type of knowledge that practitioners need to possess in order to manage organizations, and how this knowledge can be taught in management programs. The article attempts to highlight the moral dimension of management through (...)
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    Zen Buddhism, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy: A meeting within Ethics.Lluís Roca Jusmet - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 47:241.
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  35. Essential Properties and Individual Essences.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (1):65-77.
    According to Essentialism, an object’s properties divide into those that are essential and those that are accidental. While being human is commonly thought to be essential to Socrates, being a philosopher plausibly is not. We can motivate the distinction by appealing—as we just did—to examples. However, it is not obvious how best to characterize the notion of essential property, nor is it easy to give conclusive arguments for the essentiality of a given property. In this paper, I elaborate on these (...)
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    Nota biográfica del profesor Francisco Canals Vidal.Jose María Alsina Roca - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (3):505.
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  37. Mental content and skepticism in Descartes and Spinoza.Michael Della Roca - 1994 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10:19-42.
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    Obediencia al Derecho: revisión de una polémica.Juan Ramón De Paramo - 1990 - Isegoría 2:153-161.
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  39. Contrafacticos y logica deontica de la accion.G. Paramo Rocha - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 34 (68-69):71-115.
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    Investigación Alternativa: Por una distinción entre posturas epistemológicas y no entre métodos.Pablo Páramo & Gabriel Otálvaro - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 25.
    Much has been written in recent years about the distinction between qualitative and quantitative research. This paper examines this debate criticizing the idea that focusing on techniques of gathering and analysis of information rather than on the epistemological assumptions obscures the main iss..
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    Los derechos del subnormal.Juan Antonio Sardina Páramos - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 12 (2):225-266.
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    Individualisme, ètica i política.Gerard Vilar I. Roca - 1992 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
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  43. Una entrevista a Alexander García Düttmann.Gerard Vilar Roca - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46:177-188.
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  44. Essentialist Blindness Would Not Preclude Counterfactual Knowledge.Sònia Roca-Royes - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (2):149-172.
    L’objectif de cet article est double. Il défend d’abord, contre une menace potentielle, la thèse selon laquelle une capacité pour la connaissance essentialiste ne doit pas figurer parmi les capacités fondamentales pour la connaissance des contrefactuels. Il évalue ensuite une conséquence de cette thèse, ou du moins de la défense que j’en fais qui s’appuie sur une discussion des théories de Kment et de Williamson portant sur le lien entre la modalité et les contrefactuels.
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    Rethinking Aristotelian Communities as Contemporary Corporations.Esther Roca - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):77-85.
    This paper investigates two trends which propose an approach to organisations and ethics different from those advocated by the modern tradition. It firste analyses the re-surfacing of the moral and social thinking of Aristotle in the work of a growing number of organisational theorists. It argues that Aristotle’s contemporary resurgence has been partly within the framework of corporate culturism. With this in mind, we reinterpret some elements of the Aristotelian social-moral system in such a way that it can be applied (...)
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  46. Teaching & Learning Guide for: Essentialism.Sonia Roca-Royes - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (4):295-299.
    This guide accompanies the following articles: Sonia Roca‐Royes, ‘Essentialism vis‐à‐vis Possibilia, Modal Logic, and Necessitism.’Philosophy Compass 6/1 (2011): 54–64. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00363.x. Sonia Roca‐Royes, ‘Essential Properties and Individual Essences.’Philosophy Compass 6/1 (2011): 65–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2010.00364.x. Author’s Introduction Intuitively, George Clooney could lose a finger and he would still be him. Also intuitively, he could not lose his humanity without ceasing to be altogether. So while he could have one less finger, he could not be other than human. These intuitions (...)
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    Construirse como sujeto ético para una vida verdadera. Las propuestas de Pierre Hadot, Michel Foucault y François Jullien.Luis Roca Jusmet - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:159-172.
    Este trabajo analiza el hilo conductor que va de Pierre Hadot a François Jullien pasando por Michel Foucault, y que se sostiene en el papel de la filosofía como transformador de sí para alcanzar una vida verdadera. Hadot y Foucault buscan referentes en las escuelas antiguas grecorromanas, mientras que François Jullien lo hace en la sabiduría tradicional china. Pero en todos los casos es una búsqueda del pasado para volver al presente y así actualizar este diálogo con los antiguos. Pierre (...)
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    Two dimensions of the ethical problems related to nanotechnology.Guillermo Foladori, Noela Invernizzi & Edgar Záyago - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (2):121-127.
    The current literature on nanoethics focuses on a wide array of topics such as equity, privacy, military, environment, human enhancement, intellectual property, and security. The identification of those topics leads to the adoption of an ethical stance, which we call the in itself dimension . In this article we argue that even though it is correct to identify the areas where ethical problems are imperative to deal with ( in itself dimension ), it is a partial approach. This is because (...)
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    Bi-Simulating in Bi-Intuitionistic Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (5):1037-1050.
    Bi-intuitionistic logic is the result of adding the dual of intuitionistic implication to intuitionistic logic. In this note, we characterize the expressive power of this logic by showing that the first order formulas equivalent to translations of bi-intuitionistic propositional formulas are exactly those preserved under bi-intuitionistic directed bisimulations. The proof technique is originally due to Lindstrom and, in contrast to the most common proofs of this kind of result, it does not use the machinery of neither saturated models nor elementary (...)
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    Classification of dynamic facial expressions of emotion presented briefly.Guillermo Recio, Annekathrin Schacht & Werner Sommer - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1486-1494.
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